Hi there! Long time no blog!! I know you all have been DYING to hear from us and catch up on the latest. Well, here are the updates on the Whitman Wellness Center and news about our future “WWC Jr.”
The WWC has officially been open for 1.5 months. If you weren’t there or haven’t heard, the Grand Opening was wildly successful. I don’t think any of us were expecting the turnout-- we estimated ~500 people walking through the center doors at some point during the event. The free mini yoga sessions were a hit, sample treatment and massage stations were always occupied, guests raved about the Wellness Café treats and the live band was awesome. Check out photos online @ www.whitmanwellnesscenter.com.
As far as business… it’s going great! There are new people coming in daily asking for tours and/or signing up for classes; massages and facial rejuvenation seem to be the most popular treatments booked; we have established a small group of morning café regulars; the Tuesday night doubleheader yoga classes are the busiest of the week; and with the holidays around the corner, our retail items and gift card sales are growing.
2011 is looking like a great and fruitful year for the WWC… and for this we are very thankful!!! We are also thankful (and hopeful) for our SECOND ENDEAVOR down south!
While Antonia is in MA holding down the fort at the WWC, I’m here in MD researching and visiting possible locations for our next adventure, a.k.a WWC Jr. (official name: TBA). Antonia flew down a couple weeks ago to narrow down our search and is traveling again next week, where we hope to narrow it down even more.
The search for space has been far and wide. So many details, so many variables, so many options… so very scary and exciting all at the same time! OBVIOUSLY we are being very organized and orderly about this process (helloooo, do you not know us?!?). To date, 14 possible locations have been visited. This map (which is, duh, color coded) shows most of the places seen, need to see, biggest competitors, etc.
I’ve been focusing mostly in Maryland, but hope to venture out to Virginia to make sure we aren’t missing any possible opportunities before Antonia’s second visit.
We’ve set a deadline to select our location by December 31st, 2010. It’s going to be a tough decision, and definitely one of the most important decisions of our lives… no pressure!
Stay tuned for more updates and the official location announcement of our newest baby!
From all of us on the south shore, MA and “the south,” MD (I hate when people refer to Maryland as the south!)… We hope you have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Here’s a pic of Antonia and I with the Reflecting Pool/Lincoln Memorial alllll the way in the background. This was followed by happy hour and yummy sushi in our Nation’s Capital. :)
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